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- Blog
- 29th Jun 2023
Buy Now Pay Later: What are the risks and benefits to consumers?
Buy Now, Pay Later is changing consumers’ behaviour. Our new research shows it is considered a beneficial option by many people but there are ways to better support consumers
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- 29th Jun 2023
Four perspectives on embedding behavioral insights into companies
How can leaders promote, apply, and embed behavioral science within their organizations?
- Blog
- 27th Jun 2023
How worried should we be about youth vaping?
Concerns about an ‘epidemic’ of youth vaping seem to be making waves at the moment. We’ve seen recent headlines about a ‘spike’ in the number of children vaping, the Australian Government is planning to ban recreational use of e-cigarettes, and the UK Government has just announced £3 million towards a…
- Blog
- 27th Jun 2023
Beyond tech: The role of behavioural science in digital health apps
Digital health technologies, including health apps, have the potential to revolutionise healthcare delivery in the UK by improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and making healthcare more accessible. For health apps to be effective, they must be designed with an understanding of human behaviour so that the digital services,…
- Blog
- 20th Jun 2023
Deadlocked? Try conversational receptiveness
If you feel like it’s harder than it used to be to engage productively with people whose views oppose your own, you are not alone. The United States is a global leader in political polarization, and the problem only appears to be growing. From the environment to education, few topics…
- Blog
- 13th Jun 2023
Do smart meters reduce households’ energy consumption?
Smart gas and electricity meters are devices that measure and record the amount of energy that a household uses (every 30-minutes) and inform the consumer of how much they are spending on energy via an In-Home-Display (IHD). Consumption data is also automatically relayed to the household’s energy supplier. Smart meters…
- Blog
- 7th Jun 2023
Boosting the appeal of green skills and training: Findings from an online experiment
The UK's push for Net Zero by 2050 is reshaping employment, with some carbon-intensive jobs declining and new green jobs emerging. However, as outlined by the Green Jobs Taskforce, as well as in our own recent evidence review, there's a shortage of green skills in the UK’s labour market, and…
- Blog
- 7th Jun 2023
The quiet boom of trust inside Britain
The UK is experiencing a quiet boom in what’s called ‘social trust’: the sense that we can trust our neighbours and the people around us. Our analysis of the latest release of the World Values Survey finds that 47% of us think that most people can be trusted.
- Blog
- 5th Jun 2023
How can we build a Net Zero society?
To mark the World Environment Day, we’d like to tell you about our recent major sustainability event. To achieve the UK's net-zero targets, we need significant social and behavioural shifts. But how can we get there? To help answer this question, earlier this year, BIT released a new flagship report…
- Blog
- 31st May 2023
Want to protect consumers? Understand what makes them tick
Consumer protection is key, according to the White House. From giving mobile users greater choice over where they get their apps to banning surprise “resort fees” foisted on would-be vacationers at the last second, federal initiatives span across consumer-facing markets and dozens of agencies. The idea is that removing irritants…