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Blog 13th Jun 2023

Do smart meters reduce households’ energy consumption?

Smart gas and electricity meters are devices that measure and record the amount of energy that a household uses (every 30-minutes) and inform the consumer of how much they are spending on energy via an In-Home-Display (IHD). Consumption data is also automatically relayed to the household’s energy supplier. Smart meters…

Blog 7th Jun 2023

The quiet boom of trust inside Britain

The UK is experiencing a quiet boom in what’s called ‘social trust’: the sense that we can trust our neighbours and the people around us. Our analysis of the latest release of the World Values Survey finds that 47% of us think that most people can be trusted.

Blog 5th Jun 2023

How can we build a Net Zero society?

To mark the World Environment Day, we’d like to tell you about our recent major sustainability event.  To achieve the UK's net-zero targets, we need significant social and behavioural shifts. But how can we get there? To help answer this question, earlier this year, BIT released a new flagship report…

Blog 31st May 2023

Want to protect consumers? Understand what makes them tick

Consumer protection is key, according to the White House. From giving mobile users greater choice over where they get their apps to banning surprise “resort fees” foisted on would-be vacationers at the last second, federal initiatives span across consumer-facing markets and dozens of agencies. The idea is that removing irritants…

Blog 26th May 2023

What might NHS Trusts and other healthcare providers do next?

This week, we have shared our thoughts on how behavioural insights might be applied to the elective care backlog; tackling current demand as efficiently as possible, and reducing future short and long term demand. Today, we’re wrapping up with some final recommendations for NHS Trusts and other healthcare providers, and…

Blog 25th May 2023

How can behavioural insights reduce future long term demand in the NHS?

Yesterday, we outlined thoughts on how behavioural insights might reduce future short term demand. Today, we’re highlighting some ways in which we might reduce future long term demand, including (i) maximising uptake of screening and preventative behaviours, (ii) maximising adherence to treatment, and (iii) increasing uptake of remote monitoring.

Blog 23rd May 2023

How can behavioural insights tackle current NHS demand as efficiently as possible?

Today, we’re sharing thoughts on how we might tackle current NHS demand as efficiently as possible, focusing on (i) spreading demand by highlighting live availability, (ii) optimising pathways to ensure clinicians have the right information to make the best decisions, (iii) increasing system productivity, (iv) ensuring patients attend appointments, and…

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