Tess Moseley-Roberts
Key to BIT’s ethos is our partnership-led approach. Over the last 10 years we’ve been lucky enough to partner with hundreds of ambitious and innovative organisations and governments around the world.
In the last couple of months one of these exciting partnerships has involved working with Policy Garage, a public policy innovation unit in Japan, on a train-the-trainer approach to their capability building.
A major goal of each of our partnerships is to achieve greater social impact by spreading behavioural science and empiricism throughout public policy. This partnership with Policy Garage has been no exception – we trained three facilitators to deliver capability building workshops on identifying behavioural barriers and designing behavioural interventions to tackle challenging policy problems. These three facilitators have since delivered this training to 89 local government employees.
BIT training the trainers! These small group sessions enabled Policy Garage facilitators to further deepen their expertise in training government employees to apply behavioural insights to pressing policy problems.
And there’s much to look forward to – the impact goes far beyond the workshops we, and in turn PolicyGarage facilitators, delivered. Participants from the workshop are already looking at applying behavioural insights to policy problems, such as tackling erosion from tourists at Daisetsuzan National Park. We’re excited to see where this work will go.
BIT has a suite of capability building offerings to fit different needs and budgets. Please get in touch if you’d like us to support your team or organisation.
We would like to thank Policy Garage for their commitment and enthusiasm to our partnership. This partnership was made possible by funding received from the Australia-Japan Foundation, which was established by the Australian Government in 1976 to support people-to-people links between Japan and Australia.
Senior Advisor
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