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Build Back Better – Tackling racial and ethnic inequalities

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented changes to every aspect of our lives. From the way we work to where we travel, nothing has gone untouched by the crisis. The coronavirus has even impacted how we, as people, relate to one another and connect across groups.

In our 5th episode of the Build Back Better webinar series we take a look at one of the most divisive and documented issues in UK society today; racial and ethnic inequalities. Here we explore how the pandemic has impacted and highlighted inequalities between ethnic groups in the UK across a range of areas including employment, criminal justice, health and education.

Along with a panel of experts we will examine how people’s behaviour toward each-other has changed in response to the pandemic, both for better and for worse, and discuss opportunities to drive positive change towards a more cohesive and equal society.

Sunder Katwala – British Future;
Maria Sobolewska – University of Manchester;
Trevor Phillips – Engage;
Antonio Silva – BIT.


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