At The Behavioural Insights Team, we work with a variety of businesses and organisations to improve equality and tackle societal discrimination. Our work encourages positive change in workplaces, education establishments, households, public services and public spaces.
Our work is perfect for helping across all sectors, helping to bring diversity insights into both the public and private sectors, as well as to charities or organisations providing help, both academic or otherwise.
Utilising behavioural insights has allowed us to help companies around the world to understand, reflect and improve their policies to create a diverse workforce that closes the gender pay gap and provides equal rights to each and every employee.
Our team in the UK has partnered with the Government Equalities Office (GEO), and a growing number of employers, to improve our understanding of what works to increase gender equality and reduce the pay gap.
In the USA we have worked with several US cities to increase the diversity of new recruits to police forces.
We also work to reduce gender-based violence worldwide. In Australia, our live projects include applying behavioural insights to challenge sexual harassment.
Featured Work
How reframing flexible working can drive up female recruitment
It is widely recognised that flexible work is one of the most important factors in helping women return to work, often due to ongoing caregiving responsibilities. Many women will only…
L'entretien prénatal précoce, une étape clé du parcours de grossesse encore trop peu exploitée
Cette consultation est obligatoire pour toutes les femmes enceintes depuis mai 2020 et prise en charge à 100% par l’assurance maladie.
How Can We Help
At The Behavioural Insights Team we work across a variety of industries all over the world to help provide expert insights and creative strategies to improve policies based around diversity and equality.
We have worked on a selection of gender equality and diversity projects with our partners across the world, providing key insights into gaps and inequalities and supporting businesses to improve policies for everyone.
Check out our recent blogs on equality and diversity for more insights into our successful projects and studies using behavioural science and insights.
More on Equality and Diversity
Applying a behavioural approach to address stereotypes that limit access to employment for people with disabilities
Appliquer une approche comportementale à la lutte contre les stéréotypes limitant l’accès à l’emploi des personnes en situation de handicap
Behavioural Science in Latin America and the Caribbean: BIT's Journey and Vision for 2024 and beyond
Three Promising Opportunities for Applied Behavioral Science Compliance, Cybersecurity & Human Resources
Bridging the generation gap: Promoting age diversity in the workplace
Domestic violence : a tool to increase screening by 76%
Work With Us
Have you got concerns about equality and diversity in society? At The Behavioural Insights Team we are open to working with partners from every industry, helping to utilise behavioural insights to create a safe and inclusive space where everyone is comfortable and treated fairly.
If you are interested in working with our team to create an inclusive space, from businesses and schools to clubs and societies, get in touch with our experts for more information today.