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Evidence in Action: FAQs

What are the benefits to my school?

  • Free high-quality, evidence-informed resources for a notoriously tricky topic: electricity;

  • Free bespoke CPD;

  • Potential improvements in physics attainment;

  • Reduced planning workload for your teachers;

  • The opportunity for your school to be involved in cutting edge research to improve science educational outcomes.

  • Certification for your involvement

When will the project take place?

  • Four virtual twilight CPD sessions across December and early spring. 

  • Piloting the resources (8 hours of teaching material for KS3 electric circuits): from the beginning of January 2021.

  • The resources can be delivered across the full term, or a half-term, depending on what works for your school.

How much time will it take my school?

Schools will be required to:

  • Pilot the resources with the school’s chosen year group (year 7 or 8) i.e., teachers will need to familiarise themselves with the resources and then use these resources in their classes (with any desired adaptations) from the beginning of January 2021.

  • Arrange for all teachers of physics of the chosen year group to attend the four virtual twilight CPD sessions

  • Share feedback on the resources (i.e. teachers participate in a survey before and after the project, give feedback on the resources during CPD sessions, and give an interview, if asked)

How will data sharing work?

How will data sharing work?

  • Schools will not need to share any data about students. 

  • Schools will share some limited information about participating teachers (names, contact information and professional roles). 

To assess the effectiveness of the pilot, the project team will record teachers’:

  • Attendance at training sessions 

  • Feedback on the resources

  • Online engagement with the resources 

The evaluation team will ask teachers to:

  • Complete a survey before and after the project

  • Give one or two interviews, in some cases

Design and development by Soapbox.