Behaviour is a key part of many societal challenges, and of successful policy itself. As an organisation originally founded in the public sector – and one that has partnered with national and local governments at all levels – we know this firsthand.
At BIT, we equip governments around the world with behavioural insights, evaluation and evidence to enhance policy making or to enable citizens to make better decisions for themselves.
Our work has included enhancing access to digital public benefits through reducing administrative burdens and user testing; building the capacity of more than 70 cities to conduct rigorous evaluations and using rigorously generated evidence to inform consumer regulation around gambling, investing and more.
Crime, justice & security
BIT helps clients across the public and private sector to build a just and safe society.
Local government & services
BIT helps government clients worldwide to put in place effective policies and public services that understand and work with human behaviour.
Regulation & compliance
BIT partners with government clients to develop behaviourally-informed regulation and enforcement mechanisms.
Social capital & cohesion
BIT are pioneers in exploring the complex topic of social capital and how to foster it.
Featured content
Insights into our government and society work
Increasing economic mobility by bringing together nine US cities
How can governments increase program uptake?
Meet our expert team

Dr Emily Cardon
Director, BIT US

Elisabeth Costa
Chief of Innovation and Partnerships

Ed Flahavan
Director, Home Affairs, Security and Education

Leonie Nicks
Head of Crime, Security & Justice

Sasha Tregebov
Director, BIT Canada and Interim Director, BIT Latin America and the Caribbean