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Gambling Policy & Research

The Behavioural Insights Team’s Gambling Policy & Research Unit (GPRU) mission is to discover, test and scale ways to minimise gambling harm.

The UK is the largest regulated gambling market in the world. According to the latest figures, around 44% of the population has gambled in the last four weeks. Our dedicated team of specialist researchers works with policymakers, operators and other key stakeholders, to drive change in the gambling ecosystem. 

The GPRU is a four year programme (September 2021-August 2025), funded through a regulatory settlement fund via the Gambling Commission. The GPRU is in year 3 of the programme.

GPRU Projects

The GPRU is made up of several workstreams, each with a specific aim and focus. Please click below to explore findings and resources for each of the workstreams; Marketing & disclosure, Operators, Support & treatment, and Financial services

How Can We Help

At The Behavioural Insights Team we have worked with partners to create gambling policies through research that are proven to help support those with a gambling addiction.

Working with both businesses and the government has allowed us to provide highly knowledgeable behavioural insights to reduce the harm caused by gambling.

Take a look at our recent blogs for more insights into our work with gambling policy.

Latest GPRU News

The GPRU is committed to publishing our work, operating a publish by default approach. 

We regularly share reports, blogs and think pieces here, please see below for our latest work:

Want to Work with the Gambling Unit?

Want to find out more? 

Email us

The GPRU work and collaborate with a range of stakeholders including; policymakers, academics, charities, financial services and gambling operators, 

If you have a project proposal or research question related to reducing gambling harm and the potential role of behavioural science, and would like to discuss further, please get in touch  

The GPRU publishes a quarterly newsletter, please click here if you would like to be added to the mailing list.