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Build Back Better – Sustainable transport in a post lockdown world

The nationwide lockdown caused by COVID-19 has disrupted travel behaviours to an unprecedented extent. As the UK emerges from lockdown, there is a unique window of opportunity to develop policy and interventions harnessing the disruption and turning it into long-lasting changes to the way, and the amount, we travel.

Our second webinar of the Build Back Better series gathers experts from policy, research and advocacy to explore how we can make the change stick, whether the focus should be on reducing travel vs shifting people to greener modes of transport, and what the responsibility of government, businesses and individuals is.

Panelist including Lewis Brencher of Transport for Wales, Gavin Ellis of Hubbub, Dr Neale Kinnear of TRL and Toby Park and Carolin Reiner of BIT, explore;

  • how transportation behaviours in the UK have been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • whether or not these changes are likely to stick and;
  • what national and local governments can do to capitalise on this opportunity to make travel more sustainable



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