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We regularly publish our work and findings as reports and working papers, all available on our website here.

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101-110 of 289 results

Report 27th Jul 2022

Structure of pay - an evidence-based framework

The most common way to attract, retain and reward people - particularly in the private sector - is to use financial incentives including salaries, bonuses, leave or pension contributions. Financial incentives can be powerful, but they are difficult to design well and can produce a myriad of unintended consequences. On…

Report 15th Jun 2022

Developing saving habits through prize-linked savings accounts

Making a habit of saving money is crucial to developing long-term financial wellbeing. Yet over 10 million working aged people in the UK do not save regularly – with 2 million people not having any savings at all. Without this savings buffer, people could be left vulnerable to unexpected costs and…

Report 4th Apr 2022

Applying Behavioural Insights to Reduce Commuting Emissions

Globally, transport emissions are rising faster than those in any other sector. In Canada alone, transportation accounted for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, a 16% increase from 2005 levels. How people get to work contributes to this issue.

Report 16th Feb 2022

Financial First Aider Pilot

People tend to ask friends or family for financial advice. Financial First Aiders (FFAs), employees who are trained to give guidance on financial matters, can give their colleagues another option to find help for money issues. This report summarises key learnings from a pilot project to test out the implementation…

Report 1st Feb 2022

Use Behavioural Market Design to recalibrate the gambling market

When they work well, markets are powerful drivers of higher living standards. They give suppliers strong incentives to compete to provide the best value for money to consumers, through lower prices, higher quality, and innovation.  The UK gambling sector almost doubled in 10 years from 2009-2019, and this rate of…

Report 24th Jan 2022

Mass media, behaviour change & peacebuilding

Up to 100,000 people are killed each year as a result of violent conflict. But this is only one part of the human cost. Impact on families and communities can be felt decades later. Millions of individual decisions underpin these tragic impacts: people decide either to stoke hatred or to…

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