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- Report
- 29th Sep 2023
Media literacy uptake amongst 'hard to reach' citizens
This report provides insight into citizens’ current rates of engagement with media literacy initiatives, the barriers to engagement these citizens face, and the factors that might stimulate their increased engagement in the future.
- Report
- 20th Sep 2023
Using behavioural insights to improve employee financial resilience
By the end of 2023, one million UK households are set to run out of savings entirely. The economic pressures on the country’s workforce resulting from the pandemic and Russian invasion of Ukraine, among other factors, are immense. Without savings – both immediate and pension savings – individuals are completely vulnerable…
- Report
- 12th Sep 2023
How do slot game advert features impact gambling behaviour?
In this report, BIT’s Gambling Policy & Research Unit presents the findings from a study looking at the impact of slot game advert features on understanding, attitudes and gambling behaviour. We tested these features in adverts like those shown below, via an online randomised controlled trial (RCT) with 5,979 people…
- Report
- 7th Sep 2023
Increasing lead kit return rates among Chicago residents
We partnered with Chicago’s Department of Water Management (DWM) through What Works Cities Certification program—launched by Bloomberg Philanthropies—to increase uptake of the city’s lead testing program. In 2022, we helped the city achieve a 52.8% lead testing kit return rate, which may be the highest in the nation (to the…
- Report
- 15th Aug 2023
Estrategias basadas en las ciencias del comportamiento para abordar la violencia contra las mujeres en América Latina y el Caribe
Las ciencias del comportamiento, referidas al estudio riguroso de la conducta humana y de cómo nuestras acciones son moldeadas por el contexto, pueden desempeñar un papel clave en el desarrollo de soluciones basadas en la evidencia para este problema.
- Report
- 15th Aug 2023
Mejorando la seguridad de las empresarias en Honduras: siete estrategias desde las ciencias del comportamiento
Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa realizada en 2020 desde la mirada de las ciencias del comportamiento, cuyo propósito fue entender los retos y las oportunidades de las pequeñas y medianas empresarias en Honduras, principalmente relacionados con su seguridad.
- Report
- 10th Aug 2023
Pension Scams in the United Kingdom
In this report, we present the findings from an evidence review on: the scale of pension scams; the impact on those affected; the types of scams and tactics used; those most likely to be affected and current trends.
- Report
- 3rd Aug 2023
What works to change attitudes towards disabled people
Executive Summary Negative attitudes towards disabled people are common., Despite this, there is very little evidence on what works and what does not work to reduce negative attitudes towards disabled people. Scope partnered with the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) to run an online experiment. BIT ran a randomised controlled trial…
- Policy proposal
- 1st Aug 2023
Using behavioural market design to align gambling operator incentives with consumer interests
This discussion paper presents ideas to reduce gambling harm by reshaping the market. In the UK gambling market, incentives are not strong enough for operators to prevent gambling harm, apart from at the extreme ends. A well-designed market would align operator incentives with improving consumer welfare and well-being.
- Academic publication
- 31st Jul 2023
The effectiveness of alcohol label information for increasing knowledge and awareness: a rapid evidence review
Effective alcohol labelling is an intervention that can be added to the broader suite of policy options