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We regularly publish our work and findings as reports and working papers, all available on our website here.

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61-70 of 286 results

Report 15th Jun 2023

Réduire les fraudes à l’achat en ligne

Chaque année, 780 000 personnes âgées de 14 ans ou plus résidant en France métropolitaine - soit 1,6% de la population adulte - achètent un produit ou un service qui n’est pas ensuite livré, ne correspond pas aux qualités ou quantités attendues, ou déclenche un coût supplémentaire imprévu pour le…

Also available in: English

Report 15th Jun 2023

Fighting online scams in France

Every year, 780 000 people in France buy a product or service that is not delivered, does not meet expected quality standards, or leads to hidden costs. Most of these scams occur in online retail environments, where fraudsters use malicious ‘dark patterns’ to encourage impulsive purchases. BIT partnered with the…

Also available in: Français

Report 30th May 2023

What can gambling support providers do to increase service uptake?

Roughly 4 in 10 people who have the greatest need for gambling treatment and support do not seek any form of treatment, advice or support. The Behavioural Insights Team’s (BIT) Gambling Policy and Research Unit (GPRU) collaborated with the TalkBanStop (TBS) to develop recommendations for how support service providers can…

Report 18th May 2023

Features Used in Online Slot Game Adverts

This report from BIT's Gambling Policy & Research Unit involved a study of 100 online slot game adverts from August 2022 to February 2023, looking for features that could mislead people or encourage them to gamble more than they can afford.  The most common features in slot game adverts found…

Working paper 4th May 2023

BIT Working Paper No. 002 / Moral appeals reduce simulated panic buying behaviour

We report the results of an online experiment with a representative sample of Australians. After seeing a hypothetical scenario where a new COVID-19 outbreak has been announced and the government has imposed some restrictions, participants received one of three intervention messages (or a no-message control) designed to reduce panic buying.

Working paper 5th Apr 2023

BIT Working Paper No. 001 / Two Interventions for mitigating the harms of Greenwashing on consumer perceptions.

Growing demand for environmentally friendly products has led to an increase in companies exaggerating their environmental credentials, a practice commonly referred to as “greenwashing.” To identify the impact of greenwashing, and to test potential interventions, we designed an online experiment featuring a series of three advertisements featuring hypothetical companies.

Design and development by Soapbox.