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We regularly publish our work and findings as reports and working papers, all available on our website here.

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51-60 of 289 results

Publication 25th Aug 2016

Moments of choice

The Behavioural Insights Team was commissioned by the Careers and Enterprise Company to talk to young people about their future careers and aspirations, the resources they draw upon to make these decisions and the context in which decisions occur.

Publication 7th Sep 2016

Spreading change

This guide is part of the NHS England-funded Realising the Value programme led by Nesta and the Health Foundation, which seeks to develop person- and community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing. This guide offers two things: a framework for understanding and changing behaviour, and real-world examples of how these changes…

Publication 7th Sep 2016

Supporting self-management

This guide is part of the NHS England-funded Realising the Value programme led by Nesta and the Health Foundation, which seeks to develop person- and community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing. The programme is doing so by building the evidence base and developing tools, resources and networks to support the…

Publication 15th Sep 2016

The Behavioural Insights Team’s Update Report: 2015-16

This report summarises the range and impact of BIT’s work over the past 12 months. In addition to the projects we have undertaken with the UK government, the report provides summaries of work conducted by our offices in Sydney, New York, and Singapore.

Report 3rd Oct 2016

Las ciencias del comportamiento aplicadas a las ciudades.

Este reporte también está disponible en inglés Durante el año pasado, nuestra oficina de América del Norte, con sede en Nueva York, trabajó con ciudades medianas en los EE. UU. a través de la iniciativa What Works Cities (WWC) de Bloomberg Philanthropies. Hoy, BIT Norte América lanza su primer reporte…

Report 18th Oct 2016

Legacy giving and behavioural insights

For the last two years, BIT has been working with Remember A Charity and Professor Sarah Smith from the University of Bristol to learn more about people’s motivation to leave legacy gifts. As part of this programme of research, we have conducted eight randomised controlled trials with solicitors firms. Each…

Report 24th Oct 2016

Behavioral Insights for Cities

Over the past year, our North American office, based in New York, has worked with midsized cities across the U.S. through Bloomberg Philanthropies’ What Works Cities (WWC) initiative.

Academic publication 20th Nov 2016

Seven Ways of Applying Behavioral Science to Health Policy

This chapter sets out seven ways  of applying behavioral science to policy that are not subject to many of the key criticisms leveled at nudging - most notably, that nudges are manipulative and dis-empowering.

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