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COVID-19 Canadian Healthcare Needs Surveyed

Report 14th May 2020

On behalf of the McConnell Foundation and its partners, BIT surveyed Canadian healthcare leaders to identify critical organizational and individual needs for their work to address COVID-19 challenges. Respondents were asked to identify only those needs that the government will not be able to address, either fully or in part, during the May – August, 2020 time period. 

Respondents prioritized the wellbeing of patients and staff, including mental health needs, food and nutritional aid, and childcare supports. The breadth of challenges the survey identified as priorities highlights the importance of flexibility in philanthropic strategies to address the needs of Canadian healthcare organizations responding to COVID-19

Survey results are available in English and French through the links below. If you have questions about these findings, please contact Sasha Tregebov or Sebastian Salomon.



Sasha Tregebov

Director, BIT Canada and Interim Director, BIT Latin America and the Caribbean

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