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Gambling support via financial services firms explore phase

Report 23rd May 2024

In this report, BIT’s Gambling Policy & Research Unit presents its work, which explored how financial services firms can help to provide support to their customers who gamble. 

The ultimate aim of this explore phase was to develop a prototype for a gambling management tool and to test whether it could help to reduce gambling harm. 

Research activities

The report outlines the research activities we undertook to select and design our prototype, including:

  1. A rapid evidence scan
  2. Expert interviews with key stakeholders (e.g. banks)
  3. User journey mapping 
  4. Surveys 
  5. In-depth interviews with lived experience 
  6. Co-design workshops

What did we do next?

Our explore’ work led to the development of several behaviourally informed spending limit tool prototypes which we subsequently tested in an online trial. Our results can be found here


Deelan Maru

Senior Policy Advisor to the Chief of Innovation and Partnerships

Design and development by Soapbox.