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Report 27th Jul 2022

Structure of pay - an evidence-based framework

The most common way to attract, retain and reward people - particularly in the private sector - is to use financial incentives including salaries, bonuses, leave or pension contributions. Financial incentives can be powerful, but they are difficult to design well and can produce a myriad of unintended consequences. On…

Blog 1st Mar 2022

Tackling long hours culture and presenteeism

Long working hours harm our wellbeing and our physical and mental health, as well as reduce productivity. They also damage workplace equality, as women tend to have less time to begin with due to disproportionate caring responsibilities, reducing their capacity to work long hours. So how can we create great…

Report 24th Jun 2021

Gender bias and performance feedback: a randomised control trial

In order to achieve gender equality in the workplace there needs to be a focus on reducing bias in, and improving the quality of, performance feedback for women. In this study we analysed the language used in 360 degree feedback reviews carried out between 2018 and 2019 for 4,328 senior…

Blog 22nd Jul 2020

Navigating the COVID-19 employment crisis

Covid-19 has brought us one of the worst unemployment crises in recent history. This crisis has eliminated or put on hold millions of jobs, particularly affecting youth, women, ethnic minorities, and those in “low-skilled” jobs. As governments provide much-needed structural assistance to support the unemployed and stimulate the economy, they…

Blog 1st Apr 2020

Supporting employers and workers through the pandemic

While Covid-19 is primarily a public health issue, it also presents unprecedented challenges for both employers and workers. In this post, we set out additional suggestions for employers to support their workers during the main part of the crisis, based on behavioural insights. 

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