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Blog 25th Sep 2024

Boost your business: Government funded HR consultancy for SMEs

We are conducting a study of small-to-medium businesses in the UK, funded by the UK government. As part of this study we’re offering SMEs the chance to receive 1-2 days of free HR consultancy provided by CIPD-accredited HR professionals. 

Report 29th Sep 2023

Media literacy uptake amongst 'hard to reach' citizens

This report provides insight into citizens’ current rates of engagement with media literacy initiatives, the barriers to engagement these citizens face, and the factors that might stimulate their increased engagement in the future.

Report 10th Aug 2023

Pension Scams in the United Kingdom

In this report, we present the findings from an evidence review on: the scale of pension scams; the impact on those affected; the types of scams and tactics used; those most likely to be affected and current trends.

Report 3rd Aug 2023

What works to change attitudes towards disabled people

Executive Summary Negative attitudes towards disabled people are common., Despite this, there is very little evidence on what works and what does not work to reduce negative attitudes towards disabled people.  Scope partnered with the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) to run an online experiment. BIT ran a randomised controlled trial…

Report 27th Jul 2022

Structure of pay - an evidence-based framework

The most common way to attract, retain and reward people - particularly in the private sector - is to use financial incentives including salaries, bonuses, leave or pension contributions. Financial incentives can be powerful, but they are difficult to design well and can produce a myriad of unintended consequences. On…

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