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Blog 10th May 2022

Tips by Text - a promising trial upended by the pandemic

Pre-pandemic, about one in four children were not reaching the required level in language and literacy at the end of Reception. This figure has likely increased as children have had less opportunity for play and learning over the past two years.

Report 12th Jan 2021

Supporting students through the pandemic

What can schools and colleges actually do to support student wellbeing? Over the past six months, we’ve teamed up with the Sixth Form Colleges Association to answer this question. Our new guide for mental wellbeing in sixth form colleges suggests 12 strategies that colleges could try.

Blog 9th Oct 2020

Nudging to boost volunteer sign-ups during the coronavirus crisis

BIT and the Local Government Association (LGA) partnered with North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) to encourage good deeds and maintain altruistic behaviours throughout the crisis. We developed a set of messages designed to encourage volunteering behaviours. To maximise the impact of these messages we incorporated several behavioural insights or nudges…

Blog 18th Jun 2018

Keeping your eye on the ball: a defense of self-control

We’re all excited to watch England kick off their World Cup campaign this evening against Tunisia. Like workplaces around the country, we will be getting together with a few drinks to celebrate England’s resurgence (...or perhaps distract us from something more underwhelming). Either way, we should all spare a thought…

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