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Working paper 18th Mar 2024

Working Paper No. 005: The Shrouded Economy

Executive summary Across the economy, consumers struggle to tell the difference between good and bad products. Critical information, from price to quality, is either missing, hard to access, or hard to compare. The markets are ‘shrouded’. This has obvious costs for consumers, but the effects on the economy run much…

Blog 15th Mar 2023

How to improve quality of work using Behavioural Insights

The latest UK figures show that over a fifth of people aged 16-64 are out of the labour force (neither working nor looking for work). Some of the reasons for inactivity are financial, but others are much more than financial.

Report 30th Nov 2022

Understanding homicide: A framework analysis

Funded by London’s Violence Reduction Unit (VRU), this framework analyses police data to better understand the drivers of homicide and identify opportunities to intervene earlier.  The VRU commissioned the Behavioural Insights Team to work alongside the Met police to develop the framework using data from 50 homicide cases to capture…

Blog 25th Jan 2022

Can mass media reduce violent conflict?

Violent conflict is one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. Armed violence causes physical devastation, suffering, displacement and death. It creates trauma now and for generations to come. So how can we reduce violent conflict or prevent it from happening in the first place?

Report 24th Jan 2022

Mass media, behaviour change & peacebuilding

Up to 100,000 people are killed each year as a result of violent conflict. But this is only one part of the human cost. Impact on families and communities can be felt decades later. Millions of individual decisions underpin these tragic impacts: people decide either to stoke hatred or to…

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