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Comment & Opinion 10th Sep 2024

Can behavioural science stop the bomb?

We worked with Chatham House to uncover the risky behaviours built into nuclear weapons programmes and understand how we could cut the chances of the worst consequences.

Press release 9th Sep 2024

Study reveals $100 billion ‘evidence gap’ in public policy

A new report reveals minimal government investment in public policy evidence, with R&D spending in the UK, Canada, Australia, and the US at under 0.1% of total expenditure in key areas like education, social protection, and public order.

Report 9th Sep 2024

A Blueprint for Better International Collaboration on Evidence

Governments collectively spend trillions on public services. Despite this, surprisingly little is known on what works across most areas of public spending. Alongside this, R&D spending by governments across most areas of spending, with the exception of health and defence, are incredibly low. For the U.S., UK, Australia and Canada,…



I: INTRODUCCIÓN BEHAVIORAL INSIGHTS (LAC) S.A.S, en adelante “BEHAVIORAL INSIGHTS” dedicada a la realización de todo tipo de actividades, en especial a las actividades de consultoría de gestión, teniendo como servicios principales el desarrollo organizacional, consultoría en gestión del talento y estudios de mercado. En desarrollo de su actividad BEHAVIORAL…


Donna Poureshagh

Donna is the Global HR Director at BIT and joined in January 2024 on an interim basis.  She has over 25 years HR experience gained from professional services and consulting firms. She holds a BSc (Hons) Managerial and Administrative studies from Aston University.  

Working paper 22nd Aug 2024

Working Paper No. 007: The UK public is overconfident

A nationally representative survey of 2000 adults found that 81% of people are overconfident in their answers to a series of general knowledge questions - that is to say, they answer incorrectly but believe their response to be right - but there are notable differences between generations.

Blog 12th Aug 2024

Collectivism is out and individualism is in

The UK has witnessed a steep decline in the membership of its political parties over the past few decades. The days are gone where joining a political party is a common life milestone: now just 1% of the electorate are party members.

Blog 8th Aug 2024

What counts as fair and open in gambling? We’ll need to ask the public to find out

When we ask people who gamble, we hear many different ideas of fairness depending on the context. Some describe certain practices as unfair: confusing terms and conditions, adverts that pressure and overwhelm and ‘trap’ people into gambling or spending more than they want to, and the practice of gambling companies suspending…

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