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61-70 of 2139 results
How can people exposed to Covid-19 in England be best prompted to self-isolate?
How can the UK government make drink choices healthier through smart taxation?
How can evidence-based education programmes be effectively scaled up in England?
Online choice architecture and digital decision making
From deciding what to buy, whether to share personal data to deciding if something is true or not, the design of our digital world is hugely consequential for how we behave and our digital decision-making. At BIT, our work focuses on teasing apart manipulative design techniques known as ‘dark patterns’…
Gamification Revisited: New Experimental Findings in Retail Investing
Building on our 2022 research, which found that gamification tactics can harm investors by encouraging them to trade more frequently, BIT partnered with the Ontario Securities Commission on a follow-up experiment. In a randomized controlled trial, we tested four more engagement techniques that platforms are starting to use
How can Chilean courts empower intimate partner violence survivors?
How can streets in the US be made safer for pedestrians?
How can the public have a voice on how AI shapes their lives?
Capacity building
Learn how to solve challenges using behavioural insights We are passionate about building a world informed by better understanding of behaviour. BIT can help you and your organisation develop the skills to challenge assumptions, measure impact and understand the behaviour of your stakeholders. These skills are highly valuable across sectors.…