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Blog 10th Nov 2017

How flexible working can improve gender equality in the workplace

Today is Equal Pay Day - an annual reminder of gender inequality in the workplace. While attention rightly tends to focus on the pay gap between men and women, there are a number of issues that impact differently on employees depending on their gender. One of those is flexible working.…

Blog 23rd Nov 2017

When attempts to improve the treatment of women fail

The recent spotlight on sexual harassment in the workplace has led employers from Hollywood to Westminster to think about how they treat women. This, alongside the introduction of the new requirement for employers to report their Gender Pay Gap, means it is a good time to ask the question: what…

Blog 24th Sep 2019

How to stop sexual harassment as a bystander

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, many organisations and universities are searching for evidence-based strategies to combat sexual harassment. Encouraging bystanders, those who witness or hear about sexual harassment, to take action is a promising way to do this.

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