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Blog 11th Jun 2021

Targeted referrals can improve gender equality in recruitment

We partnered with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to find ways to reduce their gender pay gap. We designed an intervention to diversify the range of people employees organically share new vacancies with by explicitly encouraging staff to share vacancies with underrepresented groups: targeted referrals. We also encouraged managers to…

Blog 4th Jun 2021

Can one line on a CV support people back into work?

Recruiters spend less than 10 seconds screening a CV. Such rapid decision-making increases the role that bias can play in hiring decisions. Rather than skills, irrelevant factors can become filtering criteria or sources of discrimination, consciously or otherwise. To test how changes to the design of CVs might reduce a…

Report 4th Jun 2021

Facilitating return to the labour market with a novel CV format intervention

We applied to 9,022 job vacancies over a 6-month period spanning October 2019 to March 2020. We found that displaying experience in terms of the number of years rather than dates led to a 4.8 percentage point (14.6%) increase in the positive callback rate. Further analysis suggested that the ‘no…

Blog 21st May 2021

How many days should we work from home after COVID-19?

Today we launch a report detailing a randomised controlled trial (RCT) we ran with Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S). The trial set out to evaluate the impact of setting different expectations for how much employees should work from home. DE&S is a public sector organisation with 11,500 employees (66% men)…

Report 21st May 2021

How many days should we work from home?

Today we launch a report detailing a randomised controlled trial (RCT) we ran with Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S). The trial set out to evaluate the impact of setting different expectations for how much employees should work from home. DE&S is a public sector organisation with 11,500 employees (66% men)…

Blog 15th Dec 2020

Unconscious bias and diversity training – the evidence

The corporate buzzwords of the moment: unconscious bias and diversity training. These training programmes have been introduced to organisations across the world over decades, with high hopes that they will make workplaces more inclusive. In the US alone, companies spend $8billion a year on diversity training. But do they work? This…

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