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Blog 11th Jul 2017

Be the Business: boosting productivity in the UK

This morning saw the launch of ‘Be the Business’, the new movement from the UK’s Productivity Leadership Group (PLG). The breakfast event was glitzy and polished, hosted in the cool London base of Channel 4, rather than a standard conference venue. An interesting element is that it is led by…

Blog 27th Nov 2017

The UK's new Industrial Strategy: a modern foundation for economic growth

Traditionally, Industrial Strategy conjures images of furnaces and molten metal. In turn, the language of economic policy - productivity, innovation, competitive advantage, regulation - hardly sparks the imagination. Today’s launch of the UK Government’s Industrial Strategy White Paper should help shift these perceptions. The Strategy is formed around five foundations…

Blog 15th Aug 2018

Central banking: when communication is the policy

Sometimes, the explanation is the policy. — Janet Yellen, Chair of the Federal Reserve 2014-2018 The psychological and behavioural economics literatures have had a transformative impact on how we understand people’s financial and personal decision-making. Studies have shown that more information isn’t always better, that defaulting people into saving can…

Academic publication 7th Aug 2019

Enhancing central bank communications using simple and relatable information

Central bankers and the central banking literature are increasingly attuned to the importance of communications as a policy tool. However, less is known about how central bank communications should be drafted for maximal impact. Our paper contributes new insights in this regard. Using a large-scale online experiment with a sample…

Blog 4th Sep 2019

The Story of Narratives

Professor Robert Shiller, Nobel Prize-winning economist joins us at the Behavioural Exchange Conference tomorrow. His latest work on narrative economics shows how stories and narratives are inherent to the human experience. We think they could be better understood and deployed in public policy.

Report 8th Oct 2019

Boosting businesses: applying behavioural insights to business policy

Our new report, ‘Boosting businesses: applying behavioural insights to business policy’, provides a guide to policymakers on how behavioural insights can make business policy more effective. We set out lessons from first generation interventions to improve take-up and engagement among firms. Our accompanying practitioners’ toolkit includes guidance, tips and resources.…

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