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Blog 30th Nov 2016

Going global: A new report on applying behavioural insights to health

This blog is also available in Spanish Testing for diabetes can be a pain. The cheapest and most effective test requires people to fast for up to 10 hours beforehand. And if people lack any symptoms, they may also have little awareness or motivation to get tested in a timely…

Blog 1st Apr 2019

Flexible working and returners: What employers told us

Finding a way for care work and employment to function together is a struggle for millions of people across the UK, putting pressure on our finances and wellbeing. It’s a significant barrier to achieving gender equality, as caregiving responsibilities continue to fall disproportionately on women. Exploring how men and women…

Blog 8th Apr 2020

Using behavioural insights to create a Covid-19 text service for the NHS

Almost 2 million people in England have received daily SMS texts from the NHS warning them of the risks of coronavirus. Here we share the behavioural principles and approach that we used to help our partners at NHSX, NHS Digital and the NHS Business Services Authority to design these messages.

Design and development by Soapbox.