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- Blog
- 16th Dec 2020
Mass testing: What can Medway learn from Slovakia?
As of Monday, the first of 67 ‘Tier 3’ local authorities have started community COVID-19 testing in the UK. This mass testing effort is intended to help them stop the spread of coronavirus and slow the rapid transmission of the virus to lower Tiers. As local leaders of Oldham, Lancashire…
- Blog
- 5th Nov 2020
How Slovakia tested 3.6 million people for COVID-19 in a single weekend
Download the full report on Slovakia’s population testing As the UK enters into its second national lockdown, a possible light at the end of the long COVID tunnel emerged from a small country in Central Europe. Last weekend, Slovakia tested 3.6 million people for coronavirus - 97% of the eligible…
Also available in: Slovakian
- Blog
- 5th Nov 2020
Ako Slovensko testovalo 3,6 milióna ľudí za jediný víkend
Celú správu o plošnom testovaní Slovenska nájdete tu. Zatiaľ čo Spojené kráľovstvo vstupuje do druhého národného lockdownu, z malej krajiny v strednej Európe sa vynorilo možné svetlo na konci dlhého tunela koronavírusu. Minulý víkend Slovensko v plošnom testovaní otestovalo na koronavírus 3,6 milióna ľudí - takmer 97% cieľovej skupiny ľudí…
Also available in: English