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1-10 of 47 results


Libby Woodhouse

Libby is an Associate Advisor within the Financial Inclusion and Gambling Policy team at BIT. The majority of her work focuses on how behavioural insights can be applied to reduce gambling harm. Prior to joining BIT, she gained experience as an intern at L’Oreal, working in their Consumer and Market…


Isabel Kaldor

Isabel is an Associate Advisor based in the London office, working in the Work and Equalities team. Prior to joining BIT, she worked as an analyst in the NSW Treasury. Isabel has also gained experience in the private sector, managing machine learning projects in a global AI firm. Isabel recently…

Working paper 18th Mar 2024

Working Paper No. 005: The Shrouded Economy

Executive summary Across the economy, consumers struggle to tell the difference between good and bad products. Critical information, from price to quality, is either missing, hard to access, or hard to compare. The markets are ‘shrouded’. This has obvious costs for consumers, but the effects on the economy run much…


Riona Carriaga

Riona is an Advisor at BIT Canada, where she applies behavioral insights to enhance health, wealth and happiness. Prior to joining BIT, she worked as a cognitive psychology researcher investigating financial shocks and gender bias, a human capital consultant, and a systems analyst for public health. Riona holds a BSc…


Sai Ming Liew

Sai Ming is a Senior Advisor in the Singapore office working across a range of policy domains. Before joining BIT, Sai Ming led the Behavioural Insights Unit at the Ministry of Health in Singapore where he worked with and trained public healthcare policy and operations teams to apply behavioural insights. Sai Ming holds a Bachelor of Science in…


Laura Litvine

Laura dirige le bureau parisien de BIT, où elle mène une équipe travaillant sur une série de projets à visée sociale adressant des problématiques variées, depuis la santé publique à la protection des consommateurs, en passant par la durabilité, l’éducation, ou encore les finances publiques. Elle travaille au BIT depuis…

Also available in: English

Blog 7th Dec 2022

How To Support Employee Financial Well-being

Employers have an absolutely crucial role to play in their employees’ financial wellbeing. There is a large appetite for this: over two-thirds of UK employees want more support from their employers when it comes to money.


Dr David Hume

David is an Advisor within the Financial Behaviour team at BIT's London office. His work at BIT involves projects aimed at supporting individuals in financially vulnerable situations. Before joining BIT, David first qualified as a chartered accountant which he followed with a career working in the financial services industry. David…

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