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- Blog
- 17th Dec 2013
Paper of the week: using Post-It notes to increase survey responses
The paper we would like to highlight this week is a great example of how research can be transferred into practice. Garner (2005) tested the impact of attaching a Post-it note with a hand-written request to survey materials. The study found that the note roughly doubled response rates (76%, compared…
- Publication
- 4th Feb 2014
Growth vouchers
The Growth Vouchers programme is a pioneering government research project, and the largest Randomised Controlled Trial of its type, that aims to make it easier for small businesses to access expert advice to help them grow and test which types of business advice are most effective. The Behavioural Insights Team…
- Person
Dr Alex Gyani
Alex is the Managing Director of the Behavioural Insights Team's APAC offices. He has been based in Sydney since 2014. He has advised governments around the world on how to use behavioural science to improve policy outcomes and increase the use of evidence-based policy more generally. Previously Alex oversaw the…
- Academic publication
- 1st Dec 2014
I’ve booked you a place. Good luck: a field experiment applying behavioural science to improve attendance at high-impact recruitment events
Finding a job, especially in a recovering economy, is challenging and success is reliant upon effective job-search activity.
- Person
Elisabeth Costa
Elisabeth is the Chief of Innovation and Partnerships at the Behavioural Insights Team. Elisabeth leads global efforts for building new, long-term partnerships and collaborations across the team, as well as developing BIT's emerging areas of expertise and service offers. Elisabeth was previously the Managing Director of the Behavioural Insights Team…
- Blog
- 10th Nov 2015
Automatic Enrolment and Pensions: a behavioural success story
Last week, the National Audit Office (the Government’s financial watchdog) published a report on a major government programme. If its subject had been a programme with a big overspend or a lengthy delay, it might have got a lot of attention. But this report got next to no pick up in the…
- Blog
- 2nd Dec 2015
Can psychology help reduce the gap between the rich and poor kids?
Robert Putnam, Harvard Professor and author of Bowling Alone and several other important works, came in to BIT last week to discuss his new book - Our Kids. His latest work reflects on the growing gulf between the lives and expectancies of the rich and poor youth in today’s America.…
- Publication
- 8th Dec 2015
A head for hiring: the behavioural science of recruitment and selection
This report, written for the CIPD by the Behavioural Insights Team, outlines ways in which harnessing knowledge about how we actually behave can help those engaged in recruitment to improve outcomes for organisations.
- Blog
- 26th May 2016
Applying behavioural insights to regulated markets
It’s clear that regulated markets are not currently delivering the best outcomes for UK consumers. In the UK, we are collectively overpaying for mobile phone contracts by £355 million a year and almost 9.5 million households would be able to save over £300 each year by switching energy provider. In…
- Report
- 26th May 2016
Applying behavioural insights to regulated markets
In this report we set out a new vision, arguing that placing behavioural insights at the heart of regulation will reap significant benefits for consumers.