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Blog 19th Jul 2023

Using behavioural science to redesign customer water bills

Last year, the UK sweltered through its hottest summer on record, with droughts declared nationwide. And if this June - the hottest June since records began - is anything to go by, the signs point to this becoming a more regular occurrence in 2023 and beyond. It is a jarring…

Blog 27th Jun 2023

Beyond tech: The role of behavioural science in digital health apps

Digital health technologies, including health apps, have the potential to revolutionise healthcare delivery in the UK by improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and making healthcare more accessible. For health apps to be effective, they must be designed with an understanding of human behaviour so that the digital services,…

Blog 13th Jun 2023

Do smart meters reduce households’ energy consumption?

Smart gas and electricity meters are devices that measure and record the amount of energy that a household uses (every 30-minutes) and inform the consumer of how much they are spending on energy via an In-Home-Display (IHD). Consumption data is also automatically relayed to the household’s energy supplier. Smart meters…

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