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Blog 31st Mar 2020

Young men are hardest to engage on coronavirus guidance

As the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, continues to spread around the world, so too does advisory content and media regarding its dangers. With over 700,000 confirmed cases and 35,000 deaths recorded across 177 countries and regions, governments, public health organisations, and research groups worldwide have been publishing posters, digital media, infographics,…

Blog 1st Apr 2020

Supporting employers and workers through the pandemic

While Covid-19 is primarily a public health issue, it also presents unprecedented challenges for both employers and workers. In this post, we set out additional suggestions for employers to support their workers during the main part of the crisis, based on behavioural insights. 

Blog 8th Apr 2020

Using behavioural insights to create a Covid-19 text service for the NHS

Almost 2 million people in England have received daily SMS texts from the NHS warning them of the risks of coronavirus. Here we share the behavioural principles and approach that we used to help our partners at NHSX, NHS Digital and the NHS Business Services Authority to design these messages.

Blog 24th Apr 2020

From pilot to policy - breaking down barriers to vaccine uptake

Vaccines are one of the most effective public health interventions we have: it is estimated that between 2-3 million deaths are averted each year because of immunisation. The race to find a vaccine for Covid-19 shows just how important they are in protecting our lives and livelihoods. However, despite living…

Blog 6th May 2020

Domestic abuse: another emergency that needs to be addressed

Since the 23rd of March, when the UK lockdown started, there has been a surge in domestic abuse. Calls to Refuge’s national helpline have increased by 49% compared to before the pandemic, and 14 women and 2 children lost their lives from violence in the home in the space of…

Blog 11th May 2020

Facemasks: would you wear one?

As of late April, 80-90% of people in China, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam, and Malaysia reported wearing facemasks in public. However, only 13% of Britons reported doing the same - among the lowest of any country surveyed. 

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