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Blog 20th May 2020

Improving NHS procurement with a behavioural procurement platform

Hospital procurement, a topic once confined to a handful of NHS experts, has now risen to national prominence with millions of citizens following updates on the procurement of vital resources needed to help the NHS combat COVID-19. We, at BIT, can now share the results of a trial we ran…

Blog 21st May 2020

Behavioural Insights, the WHO and COVID-19

Last Thursday, the World Health Organization put out a clear statement: ‘behavioural insights are valuable to inform the planning of appropriate pandemic response measures’. We agree, and it’s great to see that the WHO has put out a specific behavioural insights tool for COVID-19 and is recruiting for expert advisors…

Report 5th Jun 2020

Evaluating the Impact of a Small Taxpayer Guide on Tax Compliance

In our third trial with Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (SAT), we evaluated the impact of SAT's ‘Small Taxpayer Guide’ on Small Taxpayer’s declarations over the six months after they registered with the tax authority. By providing taxpayers with the guide when they are registering with SAT, we hoped to leverage a…

Blog 19th Jun 2020

Britain’s emotional journey through COVID: Impact on wellbeing

It has been 5 months since the coronavirus pandemic upended ‘normal’ life and forced millions of people around the world to establish novel behaviours. The disruption was, and continues to be felt, in every area of our lives from relationships to work to physical wellbeing. But what does the latest…

Blog 22nd Jun 2020

Using behavioral insights to combat PPE litter

Most Americans are now wearing face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to help slow the spread of COVID-19 (although political, regional, and racial differences remain). The rapid adoption of PPE is encouraging, but cities and businesses are now dealing with an unintended consequence: an increase in PPE litter.

Blog 24th Jun 2020

3 insights on social distancing from the science of personal space

2m, 1.8m, 1.5m, 1.4m, 1m. Different countries recommend different distancing guidelines to help limit the spread of coronavirus. As parts of the world begin to leave lockdown, some of these guidelines have begun to be refined - Denmark reduced its recommended distance from 2m to 1m in May, and the UK…

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