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Blog 19th Dec 2023

From vision to validation: Khulisa's journey with the Ending Youth Violence Lab

In its April 2023 launch event, The Ending Youth Violence Lab (at the Behavioural Insights Team) unveiled its two inaugural research projects. We were delighted to be one of two charities selected to receive the Lab’s transformative support in evaluating our work. For us, the partnership marked a significant milestone…

Working paper 19th Dec 2023

BIT Working Paper No. 003 / A randomised controlled trial to measure the impact of supportive text messages on attendance and engagement with treatment among lmproving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) patients

In 2019/20 1.7 million people were referred into the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service in England. Of these, one in three did not complete a course of treatment (defined as attending two or more treatment appointments). One reason for dropout is long wait times with limited communication.

Report 18th Dec 2023

Can spending limits in a banking app support safer gambling?

In this report, BIT’s Gambling Policy & Research Unit presents findings from a study which measured the impact of different designs of spending limits on gambling behaviour. We found that spending limits are a promising preventative tool which could help customers manage their gambling spend.

Blog 4th Dec 2023

Pounds for pylons - when do incentives backfire?

People living ‘close’ to new infrastructure will receive up to £1,000 per year off their electricity bills as well as a wider community benefit fund allowing them to support local social projects. 

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