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Blog 27th Jan 2020

Remembering the Holocaust

"Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”

Blog 29th Jan 2020

A Menu for Change - 12 ways to make diets greener

For many people, January is a timely moment to change their routine. Perhaps you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of people – among them many MPs – to sign up for Veganuary. Although we are not advocating for everyone to become completely vegan, we made the case in our…

Report 29th Jan 2020

A Menu for Change

In this report we make the case for a global shift towards more sustainable and healthier diets. Using the latest and most well-evidenced behavioural science, we have outlined 12 strategies for promoting sustainable diets.

Press release 30th Jan 2020

A Menu For Change - Sustainable Eating For All

LONDON, 30 JANUARY 2020 - The Behavioural Insights Team has today released A Menu for Change, a landmark report that takes a detailed and comprehensive look at how diets and food can be made more sustainable on a global basis. 

Report 30th Jan 2020

Violence in London: what we know and how to respond

We have worked with the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit to carry out the first ever capital-wide assessment of violence. In our new report we bring together data analysis and new research from leading academics to complement the voices of London’s communities with evidence of large-scale patterns and trends…

Blog 4th Feb 2020

BIT Crime Week #2 Fighting crime with data and innovation

I’d never seen a corpse before. I stepped carefully to avoid blood and body parts as people ran from the terrorists, who proclaimed their allegiance to a banned far-right group. The Armed Response Vehicles arrived within 6 minutes of being called and snipers scaled the roof, but already several people…

Blog 7th Feb 2020

BIT Crime Week Blog #5 Phishing and behavioural science

On 4 May 2000, millions of computers were infected with a virus that erased enough files to cause around £12bn worth of damage worldwide. An email virus that appeared to be a love letter from a friend. The message read: Subject line: ILOVEYOU Body of email: Kindly check the attached…

Blog 13th Feb 2020

The world in simulation - building evidence using an online laboratory

As a reader of our blog, chances are that you’ve heard of Daniel Kahneman. An Israeli economist and author, Kahneman was awarded the Nobel prize in 2002 for his seminal work, Thinking Fast and Slow, which explored human decision making from the prism of economics. Who you may be less…

Blog 14th Feb 2020

Five ways behavioural science can help you with love

Once again Valentine’s Day is upon us. The annual frenzy of consumerism to convince you to spend lots of money on red and heart-shaped things for your significant other or make you feel super lonely if you’re on your own is here.

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