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41-50 of 94 results

Blog 21st Jan 2022

Increasing retention and reducing burnout of 911 dispatchers

Burnout has become an issue that employers, especially those in the public sector, can’t afford to ignore. Chronic stress due to the COVID-19 pandemic has made the problem even more serious. According to a 2021 survey, 42% of public sector employees have felt burnt-out over the past year. Nearly a…

Blog 9th Feb 2022

Dónde hemos estado y hacia dónde vamos: América Latina y el Caribe

Durante los últimos 8 años, hemos ejecutado más de 40 proyectos en América Latina y el Caribe, incluidos 24 ensayos controlados aleatorios. Nuestro trabajo abarca 14 países (¡y contando!) Y nuestros socios van desde gobiernos locales y nacionales hasta ONG, el sector privado y organizaciones internacionales.

Also available in: English

Blog 9th Feb 2022

Where we’ve been and where we’re going: Latin America and the Caribbean

Over the past 8 years, we have run more than 40 projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, including 24 randomized controlled trials. Our work spans 14 countries (and counting!) and our partners range from local and national governments to NGOs, the private sector, and international organizations. We are delighted to…

Also available in: Español

Blog 3rd Mar 2022

Changing teachers’ attitudes did not reduce school-based violence in Tanzania

Every day, students in many countries experience some form of physical discipline at school—like being slapped or hit with a stick—which is linked to lower academic achievement, higher dropout, and other lifelong issues. In 2017, BIT partnered with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to design and test a new program. Our…

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