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Blog 6th Jun 2022

Webinar: Reducing Fraud & Promoting Cybersecurity

According to the Federal Trade Commission, consumer reports of fraud are at an all-time high, with over $5.8 billion lost. And that’s just in the United States. What makes online scams so effective? How can companies empower people to avoid them? A deep understanding of human behavior can help. Join…

Blog 13th Jun 2022

Increasing economic mobility by bringing together nine US cities

Economic mobility lies at the heart of the American dream—that everyone be able to reach their highest aspirations through equal access to opportunity in education, employment, and more. However, this dream is far from reality, especially for communities of color and people struggling to make ends meet.

Blog 17th Jun 2022

Applying behavioral insights to early childhood education

Increasing economic mobility is a complex challenge for cities. Many factors have an effect. Employment, housing, and health care are just a few. While these areas are critical, cities should also start addressing economic mobility barriers as early as preschool.

Blog 20th Jun 2022

How can governments increase program uptake?

A government designs a great service or program to support its residents. Although many people qualify, the program receives just a few applications. How can we increase uptake? While traditional marketing can sometimes raise awareness of programs and services, encouraging people to make use of them may involve a series…

Blog 12th Jul 2022

Reframing Sustainability Through a Behavioral Lens

Sustainability is a broad and complex issue encompassing everything from global warming to manufacturing processes. So it’s easy to feel unqualified to speak or too overwhelmed to know where to start. Feeling this way is known as choice overload in behavioral science, and it alone can lead to inaction.

Blog 20th Sep 2022

How can citizens shape the future of social media platforms?

An everyday genius of humans is that we collaborate and cooperate to get things done. We share with others our thoughts and values, and they in turn share, support, and challenge. However, this process can also create the conditions for offence, misunderstanding and conflict. Nowhere do we see this more…

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