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- Blog
- 8th Dec 2023
Beyond lockdowns and parties: what we can learn from the systemic failures of the pandemic
The headlines have so far focused mainly on the drama and failings within No. 10, and especially on the early months of the pandemic up until the first ‘lockdown’. But there is a danger that this focus crowds out a hard-headed analysis of the wider system failures that help explain…
- Blog
- 5th Dec 2023
Three remarkable new findings in PISA - the worlds guide to how our kids are learning (or not)
In the world of education, the PISA results are the World Cup, Olympics and Oscars all rolled into one. For a generation they have provided the benchmark study on how well our children are learning - and how well our educational systems are performing.
- Blog
- 4th Dec 2023
Pounds for pylons - when do incentives backfire?
People living ‘close’ to new infrastructure will receive up to £1,000 per year off their electricity bills as well as a wider community benefit fund allowing them to support local social projects.
- Blog
- 27th Nov 2023
Using behavioural insights to improve school attendance
Absent children are at greater risk of harm, through abuse and exploitation, and are much less likely to achieve the qualifications that unlock future opportunity.
- Blog
- 25th Nov 2023
Domestic violence : a tool to increase screening by 76%
Doctors can be powerful allies for women suffering domestic violence
- Blog
- 21st Nov 2023
Stamp out carbon emissions - would a retrofit rebate on stamp duty be a good idea?
The Chancellor will deliver the 2023 Autumn Statement on Wednesday. The details are under wraps but there are plenty of rumours about what the Chancellor will – and won't – announce.
- Blog
- 14th Nov 2023
Boosting digital skills with behavioural insights
Countries across the globe are facing a significant digital skills gap, and the UK is no exception. UK employers are already finding that over one third of their hard-to-fill vacancies are related to a lack of digital skills.
- Blog
- 30th Oct 2023
Behavior change is key to successful climate action plans
Successful climate action plans must consider, and plan for, changing people’s behavior. For the world to reach net zero emissions by 2050, 62% of emissions cuts require residents or businesses to change what they do.
- Blog
- 25th Oct 2023
Hacking the learning process: Learn how to apply BI by running your own project
We know that practical experience, or learning-by-doing, is a powerful method for learning. When we run training programmes, we want to make sure that every learner walks away with a deep understanding not only of what was on our slides, but more importantly, of the underlying principles and how to…
- Blog
- 18th Oct 2023
Groundbreaking research on WhatsApp chatbot to reduce intimate partner violence published in PLOS
Patterns of violence can start at an impressionable age, when teenagers and women start their first serious relationships and learn what is “normal”—or even desirable—in a partner. There is a strong connection between positive power equity beliefs and lower IPV prevalence.