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Blog 25th Sep 2019

Diets in flux

Here we take a look at some examples to see how our diets have always been in flux – and often deliberately influenced. 

Blog 19th Dec 2018

How can we end the Loyalty Penalty?

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has this week recommended 8 reforms to tackle the loyalty penalty across five essential markets – savings accounts, home insurance, broadband, mobile, and mortgages – in response to the ‘super-complaint’ Citizens Advice submitted on this issue. Here are our recommendations.  

Blog 25th Oct 2018

Jeremy Heywood

It’s so far back that I can’t even be sure when I first met Jeremy Heywood. Perhaps when trying to sneak a note into the then Prime Minister Tony Blair’s red box that sat on his desk. Or sorting out arrangements for the newly founded (Forward) Strategy Unit. Probably even…

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