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Behavioural Exchange 2015, hosted by the Behavioural Insights Team

17th Feb 2015

Join us and 700 other behavioural insights practitioners and academics at the second annual Behavioural Exchange (BX2015), a behavioural science conference taking place in London on the 2nd and 3rd September 2015. To purchase tickets, click here.

BX2015 builds on the success of last year’s conference in Sydney. We’ve assembled a truly stellar list of speakers. Here are some of them:

  • Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel laureate and author of Thinking, Fast and Slow, who’ll be joining us either in person or by live video link;
  • Richard Thaler, the co-author of Nudge, President of the American Economic Association, and long term academic advisor to the Behavioural Insights Team;
  • Steven Pinker, Professor of Psychology and one of the world’s foremost writers on language, mind and human nature;
  • Robert Cialdini, Regents’ Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University and author of Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion;
  • Max Bazerman, Co-Director of the Harvard Behavioral Insights Group, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and author of the Power of Noticing;
  • David Halpern, Chief Executive of the Behavioural Insights Team and author of the Hidden Wealth of Nations;
  • Iris Bohnet, Co-Director of the Harvard Behavioral Insights Group, Professor of Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School and Director of its Women and Public Policy Program;
  • Nicholas Stern, Professor of Economics at LSE and author of the Stern Review;
  • Andy Haldane, Chief Economist at the Bank of England and Executive Director, Monetary Analysis and Statistics.

The main focus of BX2015 will be on learning from practitioners from around the world. So alongside these speakers, parallel sessions will focus on how behavioural insights can support specific areas of policy.

These smaller ,more interactive sessions will focus on the following areas: health, climate change, financial services, labour market, crime and security, education, international development, organisational behaviour, and human kindness. There will also be opportunities to learn about the basics of applying behavioural insights.

And finally, there will be lots of opportunities to get involved, starting right now with some of the online surveys and experiments on the BX2015 website.