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Inside the Nudge Unit – out on 27th August!

Blog 21st Aug 2015



Inside the Nudge Unit is David Halpern’s first-hand account of the Behavioural Insights Team (or Nudge Unit as we quickly became known). The book explores the results of the team as it set out to translate psychological theory and an experimental approach into everyday policy.

What makes Inside the Nudge Unit different from BIT’s policy publications, though, are David’s personal reflections of the trials and tribulations along the way. You’ll learn how the team was created, and how BIT managed to overcome some of the early skepticism that it faced from policymakers and the media. The book also reflects on deeper and wider issues such as: how we can ensure that markets work for citizens; can behavioural approaches boost well-being; the rise of experimental government; and key question of who should nudge the nudgers?

You’ll also meet many of the characters in the story of the Behavioural Insights Team. That includes the members of the Team itself, and some of the public servants and academics that BIT has collaborated with through the years.

The book is out on 27th August. And available for pre-order and online:






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