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Blog 26th Jan 2022

Reducing age bias against older workers in recruitment

Over the coming years, we can expect older workers to make up more of our workforce, both as a result of an ageing population and due to rises to the State Pension Age. Therefore, it is critical to find solutions to the barriers that older workers face when looking for…

Blog 1st Mar 2022

Tackling long hours culture and presenteeism

Long working hours harm our wellbeing and our physical and mental health, as well as reduce productivity. They also damage workplace equality, as women tend to have less time to begin with due to disproportionate caring responsibilities, reducing their capacity to work long hours. So how can we create great…

Blog 26th Apr 2022

Low-paid and low-skill women - moving beyond education

Recently we launched a global research programme aiming to understand ways to support low-paid, low-skill women progress into higher quality work, supported by JPMorgan Chase. Today we publish our review of the evidence on low-paid and low-skill women in the UK, France, Spain and South Africa. We focus on the…

Academic publication 5th Dec 2022

Reducing discrimination against job seekers with and without employment gaps

In a preregistered audit field experiment in the UK we show that rewriting a résumé so that previously held jobs are listed with the number of years worked (instead of employment dates) increases callbacks from real employers compared to résumés without employment gaps by approximately 8%, and with employment gaps…

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