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Report 9th Oct 2024

Gamification Revisited: New Experimental Findings in Retail Investing

Building on our 2022 research, which found that gamification tactics can harm investors by encouraging them to trade more frequently, BIT partnered with the Ontario Securities Commission on a follow-up experiment. In a randomized controlled trial, we tested four more engagement techniques that platforms are starting to use

Report 25th Sep 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Retail Investing: Scams and Effective Countermeasures

People have been orchestrating financial fraud and scams for centuries. But the recent rise of generative AI has massively increased the scale and sophistication of scams, including in capital markets. Regulators are rightly concerned and focused on how to protect retail investors. BIT and the Ontario Securities Commission investigated this…

Report 11th Sep 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Retail Investing: Use Cases and Experimental Research

AI applications are beginning to dramatically influence the experiences of retail investors around the world - from providing advice and automated portfolio management to ‘turbo-charging’ fraud and scams. Securities regulators are striving to understand, prioritize and address potential investor harms while fostering innovation.

Blog 22nd Mar 2023

Good data is critical to employment equity

Good data is essential to achieving workplace equity goals.  Imagine as an employer that you’re trying to increase equity in your team or organisation but aren’t sure what your current staff demographics are. To establish an accurate baseline and inform targets, you’ll need data. Specifically, employee self-identification information. This is…

Blog 9th Mar 2023

How can influencers encourage sustainable behaviours?

Working with Unilever, and its brands Dove and Hellmans, BIT designed and ran, to our knowledge, the largest online randomised-controlled trial with over 6,013 TikTok or Instagram users from across 3 countries (the UK, USA and Canada) to test the effect of different types of social media messaging.

Design and development by Soapbox.