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Watch: how to tackle the gender pay gap

15th Jun 2018

Many employers want to make real improvements  to gender equality and diversity, but choosing which actions to implement can be challenging. There’s a gap between established practice and evidence.

For example, employers could be forgiven for thinking that adding one woman to a shortlist is an effective way to hire more women into senior positions  – but a recent study from academia suggests that if there is only one woman on a four-candidate shortlist, there’s a 0% chance she’ll be hired.

This shows that much of what we assume will work to improve gender equality may not actually be effective. Outcomes can be counter-intuitive, and positively-intended actions can even backfire if they activate stereotypes rather than change behaviour.

The good news is that we’re starting to build a picture of what is likely to work, based on existing evidence. Last week I presented some of the latest evidence on what works – and what doesn’t – at our Gender and Behavioural Insights launch event.

We’re also preparing evidence-based guidance for employers as part of our collaboration with the Government Equalities Office. Subscribe to our mailing list to be among the first to read it.
