Behavioural Exchange is returning to London for 2019. As hosts, the Behavioural Insights Team are proud to announce a call for submissions for the annual awards.
The last ten years has seen tremendous growth in the scope, ambition and achievements of the behavioural sciences, a period which has also seen an equivalent growth in application in policy, and recognition for the field.
The conference presents an ideal moment to recognise outstanding new achievements, and celebrate the work of established and emerging scholars and practitioners.
With this in mind, the annual BX Awards will celebrate achievement in the behavioural sciences for policy. Applications are invited for two awards, both of which will be presented during the delegates dinner on 5th September at 7pm in London.
The Awards
The annual BX Awards seeks submissions for two award categories.
The panel of judges for both awards is particularly interested to discover examples of the pursuit of audacious, original, or challenging work. Applicants are permitted to apply for both awards. Applications should be submitted by midnight London time on 9 August 2019. The two awards are as follows:
- BX Award for Outstanding Research
The BX Award for Outstanding Research will be awarded to the author, or authors, of an outstanding piece of research in the behavioural sciences and policy. This research may take the form of a blog, report, paper, book, other type of research publication, or a working paper.
The award will be given to the submission that demonstrates the most outstanding combination of originality, rigour, a demonstrated or potential practical application, and the potential for lasting impact.
Applications will be accepted from either single authors or a group of authors. Applicants may be from any background including academics, policymakers, or in other fields.
- BX Award for Outstanding Practitioner
The BX Award for Outstanding Practitioner will be awarded for an outstanding contribution by an individual to the field of behavioural science and policy.
The award will be given to an individual that demonstrates passion and dedication to applying behavioural science to policy, the economy, business, or society in general.
Submissions should describe the nature of the individual’s work and, if possible, their impact so far.
Submissions can be made by individuals themselves or on behalf of others.
Application procedure for the awards
- BX Award for Outstanding Research
Applicants are invited to send submissions for this award in written format.
This entry should describe the research aims and novelty, the research process and methodology, the problem/s it helps to solve, and why it is useful for policy and policymakers.
The submissions should be no more than 500 words and should be submitted in as a Word, doc or docx format via email to [email protected]. Please also provide your full name.
- BX Award for Outstanding Practitioner
Applicants are invited to send submissions for this award in written format. Submissions can be made by individuals themselves or on behalf of others.
This document should describe the individual and their achievements. The submissions should be no more than 500 words and should be submitted in as a Word, doc or docx format via email to [email protected]. Please also provide your full name.
The prizes
All winners of both awards will be informed by email on the 20th of August 2019.
The awards will be presented during the BX Dinner on the evening of 5th September, taking place at Altitude 360, on the 29th floor of the famous Millbank Tower, on the banks of the River Thames. Award winners will be invited to say a few words during the dinner. Each winners will also receive:
BX Award for Outstanding Research
The winner will receive a free ticket to the Behavioural Exchange Conference 2019 – and expenses paid for travel and accommodation (up to the value of £1,500).
This award is open to either a single author or group of authors. However, if the award is won by a group of authors they will be expected to nominate one person to represent the team by attending the conference in London.
BX Award for Outstanding Implementing Practitioner
The winning individual will receive a free ticket to the Behavioural Exchange Conference 2019 – and expenses paid for travel and accommodation (up to the value of £1,500).
Judging panel
The winners of both awards will be selected by Dr David Halpern, Chief Executive of the Behavioural Insights Team and Professor Dilip Soman, Corus Chair in Communications Strategy at the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto.
Finally, please send any enquiries to [email protected]. We look forward to receiving your applications.
Terms & Conditions
Full Terms and Conditions for the BX2019 awards can be read here.