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Media literacy uptake amongst ‘hard to reach’ citizens

Study of UK citizens’ engagement with media literacy initiatives to identify which groups are ‘hard to reach’ and why this is the case.

  • Report
  • 29th Sep 2023

The Behavioural Insights Team’s report provides insight into citizens’ current rates of engagement with media literacy initiatives, the barriers to engagement these citizens face, and the factors that might stimulate their increased engagement in the future.

The overall objectives of the research were to:

  • identify ‘hard to reach’ citizens’ barriers to engaging with media literacy provisions
  • where possible, categorise these citizens into distinct groups that can inform future interventions
  • identify opportunities to improve citizens’ engagement with media literacy provision in their daily lives.

The Behavioural Insights Team used a mixed methods approach to gather insights, including conducting a survey with a nationally representative sample of 5,000+ UK citizens, and delivering a series of interviews and focus groups with key audiences.

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