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- Policy proposal
- 22nd Nov 2022
Putting health in the spotlight: quantifying the impact of obesity prevention policies in the UK
This report examines the impact of four obesity prevention policies in UK government, finding that their combined net benefit to the UK over 25 years is estimated to be over £76 billion.
- Blog
- 23rd Nov 2022
Quantifying the impact of obesity prevention policies in the UK
For children and adults in the UK, unhealthy food is in the spotlight everywhere. Online, on TV, in supermarkets - promotions and advertising put calorie-dense and unhealthy food centre stage. The promotion, affordability, availability and consumption of such foods are among the main drivers of obesity, a public health challenge that…
- Blog
- 10th Jan 2023
Anti-smoking policies have strong public support
Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable illness and premature death. Our new research shows there is significant public appetite for bold policies to support smoking cessation
- Blog
- 20th Jan 2023
Would you support a tax on meat to encourage environmentally sustainable behaviours?
According to the National Food Strategy we should cut our average meat intake by 30% to reach net zero by 2050. However, changing what we eat is difficult, as our diets are strongly rooted in our cultural and social values. Meeting sustainability targets will therefore require policies that make it…
- Academic publication
- 19th May 2023
The impact of altering restaurant and menu option position on food selected from an experimental food delivery platform: a randomised controlled trial
This study tested whether repositioning foods and/or restaurant options in a simulated food delivery platform could help to reduce the energy content of users’ shopping basket.
- Blog
- 27th Jun 2023
How worried should we be about youth vaping?
Concerns about an ‘epidemic’ of youth vaping seem to be making waves at the moment. We’ve seen recent headlines about a ‘spike’ in the number of children vaping, the Australian Government is planning to ban recreational use of e-cigarettes, and the UK Government has just announced £3 million towards a…
- Blog
- 4th Oct 2023
Saving more than just money: what does it take to support reductions in alcohol consumption?
Alcohol consumption is a significant public health challenge globally, contributing to an estimated 3 million deaths every year; 5.3% of all deaths worldwide. COVID-19 might have further increased the harms from alcohol consumption: Public Health Scotland published new statistics in March 2023 showing that the number of deaths occurring as…
- Blog
- 31st May 2024
How media coverage of vaping restrictions might influence public perceptions: insights from a new study
To the disappointment of many anti-smoking campaigners, the Tobacco and Vapes Bill was shelved last week as the UK parliament was suspended ahead of the election in July. The headline measure would have banned the sale of cigarettes to anyone born after 1 January 2009, but the bill would have…