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  • Blog
  • 25th Sep 2023

Pilot findings from Phoenix Group’s Midlife MOT

The UK government’s “Midlife MOT” initiative aims to support individuals in midlife and is a review for workers in their 40s and 50s that helps them assess their finances, skills and health and helps to prepare for retirement and build financial resilience.

  • Report
  • 3rd Aug 2023

What works to change attitudes towards disabled people

Executive Summary Negative attitudes towards disabled people are common., Despite this, there is very little evidence on what works and what does not work to reduce negative attitudes towards disabled people.  Scope partnered with the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) to run an online experiment. BIT ran a randomised controlled trial…

  • Blog
  • 5th Jul 2023

What works to change attitudes towards disabled people

In the UK, 22% of people are disabled, but negative attitudes towards disabled people are far too common. Disabled people face negative stereotypes about lower competence and can be thought of with fear of awkwardness. There is very little evidence on what works and what does not work to improve…

  • Blog
  • 7th Jun 2023

Boosting the appeal of green skills and training: Findings from an online experiment

The UK's push for Net Zero by 2050 is reshaping employment, with some carbon-intensive jobs declining and new green jobs emerging. However, as outlined by the Green Jobs Taskforce, as well as in our own recent evidence review, there's a shortage of green skills in the UK’s labour market, and…

  • Blog
  • 17th Apr 2023

Ethnicity pay reporting: How to understand your data and use it to create a more equitable workplace

Today the government publishes its first ethnicity pay reporting guidance for employers. Publishing this guidance sends a strong signal to businesses to take a more data-driven approach to improve racial equality, although doing so remains voluntary. As more businesses calculate and disclose their ethnicity pay, this will increase transparency and…

  • Report
  • 28th Mar 2023

Mejorar las oportunidades de progresión profesional de las mujeres en empleos poco cualificados y con bajos salarios en España

Resumen general Este informe presenta las conclusiones de un programa de investigación sobre los obstáculos a los que se enfrentan las mujeres que realizan trabajos poco cualificados y con bajos salarios en España, así como las posibles soluciones a los mismos. La investigación, llevada a cabo por el Behavioural Insights…

  • Report
  • 28th Mar 2023

Improving progression opportunities for women in low-paid and low-skill jobs

This report presents the findings of a research programme on the barriers faced by women in low-paid and low-skill work in the UK, alongside potential solutions. The research, conducted by the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), was part of a global research programme focused on the UK, France, Spain, and South…

  • Report
  • 28th Mar 2023

Améliorer les possibilités de progression des femmes se trouvant dans des emplois faiblement rémunérés et peu qualifiés en France

Résumé Ce rapport présente les résultats d'un programme de recherche sur les obstacles auxquels se heurtent les femmes occupant des emplois faiblement rémunérés et peu qualifiés en France, ainsi que des solutions potentielles. L'étude, menée par le Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), fait partie d'un programme de recherche mondial portant sur…

  • Report
  • 28th Mar 2023

Improving progression opportunities for women in low-paid and low-skill jobs in South Africa

Executive Summary This report presents the findings of a research programme on the barriers faced by women in low-paid and low-skill work in South Africa, alongside potential solutions. The research, conducted by the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), was part of a global research programme focused on South Africa, the UK,…

  • Blog
  • 28th Mar 2023

Improving progression opportunities for women in low-paid and low-skill jobs

Across the world, women are more likely to be in low-paid work. For example, in the UK, women make up 77% of workers on low weekly pay. We hosted an event in partnership with J.P. Morgan Chase to discuss solutions.