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Blog 24th Mar 2023

New podcast: From Nudge to…where now?

BIT has just published A Manifesto for Applying Behavioral Science. The Manifesto's author Michael Hallsworth takes to the streets of New York City to explain more about this landmark work

Blog 16th Dec 2022

Podcast: Inside another Nudge Unit

Embedding behavioural science into your organisation - learnings from Blue Cross Blue Shield Massachusetts on how they created a successful Nudge Unit

Blog 6th Dec 2022

House of Lords hosts gambling harms event

On 29 November BIT's Gambling Policy and Research Unit (GPRU) held an event at the UK House of Lords bringing together key stakeholders, policy and decision makers who are working in the field of reducing gambling harms - GPRU's core mission. Attendees included representatives from industry organisations, support services and…

Blog 17th Jun 2021

Podcast: COVID vaccines & tech repairability

Working with mayors across the US on engaging with people who are cautious or unwilling to get a COVID-19 vaccine and supporting the French government's plans to promote a more sustainable and circular economy by encouraging people to repair rather than replace tech products.

Report 26th Nov 2020

The Behavioural Economy

A new 10-point manifesto published by The Behavioural Insights Team which sets out a clear roadmap for how governments, regulators and central banks can start using powerful behavioural levers and nudges available to economic policy makers that have the potential to deliver real positive change.

Blog 14th Feb 2020

Five ways behavioural science can help you with love

Once again Valentine’s Day is upon us. The annual frenzy of consumerism to convince you to spend lots of money on red and heart-shaped things for your significant other or make you feel super lonely if you’re on your own is here.

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