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Podcast: Inside The Nudge Unit 8th Nov 2021

Decarbonising our food, transport & energy

Second of a two-part climate change special looking at three of the biggest areas to decarbonise to reach Net Zero: Food, Transport and Energy

Report 1st Nov 2021

The Power of TV: Nudging Viewers to Decarbonise their Lifestyles

In our latest report, produced in collaboration with Sky TV, we provide new data on viewers' attitudes towards green behaviours and nudging. We go on to outline 10 recommendations for broadcasters on how they can use their content to encourage sustainability. 

Podcast: Inside The Nudge Unit 27th Oct 2021

Can we nudge to Net Zero?

In the first of a two-part climate change special, BIT’s Lis Costa sits down with Nobel Prize Winner Professor Richard Thaler, Cambridge University’s Lucia A. Reisch and BIT CEO and founder Professor David Halpern to answer one big question ahead of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference: Can we Nudge…

Report 26th Aug 2021

Applying behavioural insights to support flood resilience

Flooding the most significant natural disaster risk to UK homes, and climate change is increasing the risk of flooding even further. Homeowners can minimise the risk of flood damage by taking measures to protect their homes (also known as property flood resilience measures).

Report 29th Jul 2021

Greening Pensions: A Behavioural Perspective

In this report, we contribute to the emerging conversation on green pensions by highlighting the benefits of using a behavioural perspective. We outline seven ideas, grounded in behavioural science, to achieve a greener pensions system and help to avert the climate crisis.


Claire Dale

Claire est conseillère senior au BIT France.  Au BIT, Claire est responsable de l’ensemble des projets en matière d'environnement et de logement. Claire dirige dans ce cadre des projets visant à encourager les économies d'énergie et d'eau, la promotion de l'accès au logement (et au logement social en particulier) et…


Tom O'Keeffe

Tom is a Senior Research Advisor in the Environment, Productivity, Innovation and Consumers team. Prior to joining BIT, Tom worked as an independent economics consultant for various clients, including the World Bank and UK Government. He has worked on research projects in the UK and internationally covering topics in public…

Report 1st Dec 2020

Guidance on conducting energy consumption analysis

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) has developed guidance for energy suppliers on behalf of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). It specifies key considerations for carrying out energy consumption analysis, BIT’s recommended methodology, and alternative methodologies. Our intention is to provide suppliers and other organisations with an…


Laura Zatz

Laura Zatz is a Senior Advisor at BIT Americas. Her work focuses on applying behavioral insights to improve policies and programs in the domains of public health, nutrition, and environmental sustainability. Previously, Laura worked at the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service where she oversaw contracts and…


Laura Callender

Laura is a Senior Advisor at BIT Canada. Prior to joining BIT, Laura worked on the behavioural insights team of a mobile health app, integrating behavioural science theories and techniques into digital public health programming, and has worked in various research labs on topics such as physical activity and nutrition.…

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