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61-70 of 128 results

  • Blog
  • 15th Jul 2021

Improving equality, diversity and inclusion starts with good data

Data is critical for progressing equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) goals. Transparency and accountability are both foundational for improving EDI and these cannot be achieved without data regarding both employee characteristics and workplace outcomes. While gender pay gap reporting has been shown to reduce gender inequality, many organisations in the…

  • Report
  • 24th Jun 2021

Gender bias and performance feedback: a randomised control trial

In order to achieve gender equality in the workplace there needs to be a focus on reducing bias in, and improving the quality of, performance feedback for women. In this study we analysed the language used in 360 degree feedback reviews carried out between 2018 and 2019 for 4,328 senior…

  • Blog
  • 18th Jun 2021

Simply telling men that their peers support parental leave and flexible working, increases their intention to share care

According to recent research, 76% of mothers and 73% of fathers would like to work flexibly to spend more time with children - a remarkably similar proportion. Yet mothers are much more likely to work part-time than fathers. So if dads want to work flexibly, what’s stopping them? One barrier…

  • Report
  • 18th Jun 2021

Supporting men to take longer parental leave and work flexibly

Whilst there are a range of barriers contributing to men’s lower uptake of parental leave and flexible working, one explanation could be that, while men privately want to take more paternity leave and work flexibly, and are supportive of others who do, they underestimate support for these behaviours among their…

  • Report
  • 13th Jun 2021

Increasing men's involvement in parental care

We partnered with NCT, a charity for parents in the UK, to test ways to increase men’s intended uptake of parental leave and participation in childcare and housework. We ran a two-armed randomised controlled trial (n = 1,500) reaching first-time parents through NCT’s pregnancy newsletter. Subscribers in the intervention group…

  • Report
  • 11th Jun 2021

Increasing applications from women through targeted referrals

We partnered with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to run a two-armed randomised controlled trial (RCT) testing whether using targeted referrals would increase the referrals, applications and hires of women.

  • Blog
  • 11th Jun 2021

Targeted referrals can improve gender equality in recruitment

We partnered with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) to find ways to reduce their gender pay gap. We designed an intervention to diversify the range of people employees organically share new vacancies with by explicitly encouraging staff to share vacancies with underrepresented groups: targeted referrals. We also encouraged managers to…

  • Report
  • 10th Jun 2021

Flexibility by default: Increasing the advertisement of part-time or job-share options

BIT partnered with the John Lewis Partnership (JLP) to test whether increasing the advertisement of part-time or job-share options would increase career progression among JLP’s part-time staff.

  • Report
  • 4th Jun 2021

Facilitating return to the labour market with a novel CV format intervention

We applied to 9,022 job vacancies over a 6-month period spanning October 2019 to March 2020. We found that displaying experience in terms of the number of years rather than dates led to a 4.8 percentage point (14.6%) increase in the positive callback rate. Further analysis suggested that the ‘no…

  • Blog
  • 4th Jun 2021

Can one line on a CV support people back into work?

Recruiters spend less than 10 seconds screening a CV. Such rapid decision-making increases the role that bias can play in hiring decisions. Rather than skills, irrelevant factors can become filtering criteria or sources of discrimination, consciously or otherwise. To test how changes to the design of CVs might reduce a…