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Dr Michael Hallsworth

Dr Michael Hallsworth is BIT's Chief Behavioural Scientist. Before his current role, Michael was Managing Director of BIT Americas. For 20 years, he has worked as both an official and an advisor to various governments, and has been a leading figure in applying behavioural science to address practical problems. He…


Dr Alex Gyani

Alex is the Managing Director of the Behavioural Insights Team's APAC offices. He has been based in Sydney since 2014. He has advised governments around the world on how to use behavioural science to improve policy outcomes and increase the use of evidence-based policy more generally. Previously Alex oversaw the…

Report 5th Jun 2020

Evaluating the Impact of a Small Taxpayer Guide on Tax Compliance

In our third trial with Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (SAT), we evaluated the impact of SAT's ‘Small Taxpayer Guide’ on Small Taxpayer’s declarations over the six months after they registered with the tax authority. By providing taxpayers with the guide when they are registering with SAT, we hoped to leverage a…

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